Thanks to the new AMC system, it is possible, by interfacing with the Company Management System, to create recipes directly in the office and assign them automatically to each drum. The recipes "uploaded" from the office will be displayed in the recipe list present on the machine. By selecting the relevant recipe and pressing the load button, it will be ready to be executed.

It is also possible to create a recipe directly on the machine without going through the company database thanks to a very simple and effective interface. Once a recipe (made up of strings) has been loaded/created we can start it, pause it, force a step or end it simply and directly, always maintaining control over the recorded data.
This always allows you to have effective control over production.

Each string contains the values of fundamental parameters of the machine. It is possible to have more information on a line by pressing the magnifying glass located on the right side of each string.

In each phase, it is always possible to monitor the actions in progress from the Execution section, where all the step parameters and the elapsed time are present in the case of rotations.

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